All set for the National Giants Meeting, the biggest event in the world of festive giants

Over 600 festive giant figures from Catalonia, Valencia, Northern Catalonia, Aragon, Navarre, the Basque Country and Madrid will be gathering to mark 600 years of giants in Barcelona and the world.

24/04/2024 - 09:58 h - Culture and leisure Districte Eixample

Barcelona will be welcoming 230 giant groups on Sunday, 28 April, for a gigantic celebration. The National Giants Meeting will be the equivalent of four simultaneous La Mercè processions, to be held in the area around Arc de Triomf, on a historic day for Barcelona’s traditional culture and the world of festive giant figures.

The four processions for the meeting will set off from the Parc de la Ciutadella (Pg. Til·lers), El Born (Pl. Comercial), Ronda Sant Pere (by Pl. Urquinaona) and the Parc de l’Estació del Nord. The figures will meet in the middle of Pg. Lluís Companys for the formal dances and concluding dances, with all the groups together, with music from the group Metralla.

You’ll find the groups on display at the starting points for the processions from 9 am, ready to set off at 11 am. The four processions will be setting off at the same time, getting the grand giant festival under way.

The City Giants and the groups from Barcelona will be acting as the hosts for a unique event set to make history for the sheer magnitude of the meeting. It will be possible to visit the Barcelona giants in the week before the event at theexhibition to be held at El Born CCM, from 21 to 27 April.

Check out the activities and the programme for the 600th anniversary of giants in Barcelona by clicking here!